How You Can Help
Unlike some rescues, Bare Paws takes in every dog we are able, regardless of what medical
requirements they may have. Above left is Sam, a permanent foster here at Bare Paws. He was
turned over to us by a shelter that felt he might not survive the weekend due to
his poor condition. Our foster parent went and picked him up from the shelter, and here he is,
happy and doing great, a year later! He required a lot of expensive initial vet care to get him well.
He has heart issues as well as eye issues which require multiple daily medications. Sam was not
successful in finding his forever home (after meeting him, one potential adopter said they no longer
wanted this darling boy!) and his foster mom adores him, so we decided he should stay with her and
Bare Paws pays for all his medical bills. It's a small price to pay to help him have a long, happy life.
Above right is Poppy. She came to us from another rescue when they were unable to find her a home
due to her blindness. We were so happy to have her join us. We took her to an ophthalmology specialist
to see what could be done. Although her sight was not able to be recovered, she was put on multiple
costly daily eye drops to keep her eyes healthy and comfortable. She was adopted and lived a long,
happy life before travelling to the Rainbow Bridge last year at the grand old age of 17!
We have taken in other dogs with diabetes, requiring daily insulin; dogs that needed surgeries such
as the two in one year who needed total ear canal ablation surgery, which was about $5000-each!
Spaying and neutering, vaccinations, heartworm testing and preventative, dentals and additional
surgeries-it costs a lot of money to get each dog healthy and adoption fees don't come close to
covering the costs of veterinary care, If you would like to help us in our mission to help as many
of these precious souls as possible, please consider making a donation. Every penny helps!
We thank you, and Sam thanks you too. Just look at that smile!
If you would like to donate via check, please mail it to us at:
Bare Paws Rescue
PO Box 7193
Gilford, NH 03247
Please email us with any questions you might have. Thank you so much!
Amy, the Bare Paws Mascot and the reason we exist!