PO Box 7193
Gilford, NH 03247
© 2025 BPR

We are always in need of wonderful volunteers. We can't function without you!
Even if you are unable to foster, there are lots of other ways that you can help.
Foster homes are crucial to rescue groups. We can't take dogs in if we have no place for them to go.
Some people don't foster because they think it will be too hard to give their foster dog up, and that's
OK. Others are able to do it because they know they are making room for the next little dog that
is going to need of their help, so they let one go and wait for the next. Whatever category you
fit into, there are also other areas where we need help, such as:
~Screening applications by making phone calls and speaking to veterinarians and references
~Transports, helping drive a dog to it's destination, many times from one volunteer to the next
~Home Visits, checking out potential adopters' homes to make sure they are safe for little dogs
~Shelter contact for your local shelter in case any of the breeds we rescue come into their facility
~Fundraising, such as Facebook fundraisers, local fairs and events. Do you love to craft and have
items to donate? We have auctions every year, and we also have an online store.
We are always open to new ideas you may have, too!
Check out our volunteer guidelines (for foster parents) or submit a volunteer application today.
Thank you!
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